Thursday, February 28, 2013

Chapter 4: Intellectual Assets

Walmart has a market value of $71.66 per share compared to a book value of $22.86 per share (Yahoo Finance, 2013).  The intellectual capital value of Walmart is $48.80 per share and the ratio of market value to book value is 3.14.  It is not surprising that Walmart has a low market value to book value ratio.  Companies that have high ratios are usually tech companies that have a high investment in knowledge resources and technological expertise.  Walmart invests heavily in physical resources, such as stores and warehouses, and less investment in knowledge.  Walmart's market value to book value is higher than their competitors in the industry.

Walmart has had a hard time retaining employees as 70% of their employees decide to leave in their first year.  The biggest reason for their turnover is low wages and inadequate health care.  Walmart employees are paid 20% less than the average retail worker.  Walmart also has had a hard time retaining workers due to poor working conditions.  They have had lawsuits filed against them for forcing their employees to do off-the-clock work, not giving overtime pay, and not allowing workers rest and lunch breaks.  They have also been sued for discriminating against women (Wikipedia, 2013).

Walmart's mission statement is "We save people money so they can live better."  I think their employees identify with Walmart's mission, but their mission does not lead to employee retention.  They also have a hard time retaining employees because the work is not challenging.  Walmart is trying to improve their retention rate.  They are now offering their employees who have been on the job for at least one year full-time or three years part-time, the chance to get a 15% tuition reduction from American Public University which is an online college (Inc. 2010). 

Walmart has a hard time attracting quality employees because of their bad reputation with their employees.  They can't rely on getting quality referrals from their current employees like other companies can.  Walmart has programs to develop employee skills.  They have a Assistant Management Training program to develop managerial skills.  Walmart has the Walton Institute which allows employees to learn about the company culture and how to foster that culture (Walmart, 2012).

Walmart's intellectual capital strength is their logistics strategy.  By using just-in-time inventory, they are able to move products quickly which reduces inventory costs.  They use ID tags to better control inventory.  They constantly try to improve their supply chain, especially with their trucks.  Walmart has seen a 21% increase in fuel efficiency in their trucks, 5.5% increase in the pallets in their trucks, and a 6.5% reduction in empty truck miles (, 2010). 2010. Retrieved from

Inc. 2010. Retrieved from

Walmart. 2012. Retrieved from

Wikipedia. 2013. Retrieved from

Yahoo Finance. 2013.  Retrieved from

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